See the Terms of Reference Agreement.
Composition: The Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic (GLMA) RNCO general membership is comprised of Regions 3 and 5 injury and violence prevention organizations and individuals.
The RNCO is governed by a Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) comprised at a minimum of state health department injury directors (designees), Injury Control Research Center directors (designees), chair of established Injury Community Implementation Groups (ICIG) (formerly ICPG) in the region, and the Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance (MIPA) president.
The RNCO will develop a National Peer Learning Team (NPLT) and a Regional Peer Learning Team(s) (RPLT). The vision of both the NPLT and RPLT is to move injury and violence prevention forward by informing and sharing the best available evidence from science, program, practice, and policy.
RNCO includes the following 12 states:
Region 3: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia.
Region 5: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
RNCO Meetings are held monthly via conference call. Calls are held on the last Thursday of every month. During calls, either a presentation is given by select members or a guest, and/or discussions are held on specific violence and injury prevention topics based on the interest of members. The SAB meets at least once per year in person. In-person meetings may be held in conjunction with other CDC meetings or regional meetings and training, or as separate events.
RNCO Injury Prevention Webinar Series
For more information please contact Joyce Dantzler at or 410-767-1372.